HS & College Students

AYM Mentor + Volunteer

  • College Essay Help

    Be a college essay mentor & answer general questions about college apps.

    Sample Time Commitment
    1 /wk (4-8 mtgs)

  • Homework Help

    Help students finish their homework or help students with a problem they cannot solve.

    Sample Time Commitment
    1 /wk (4-8 mtgs)

  • Sports Clinic Coach

    Help coach volleyball or basketball to MS-HS students. Improve their skills. All levels welcome!

    Sample Time Commitment
    1 /wk (4-8 mtgs)

  • Sunday Youth Group

    Serve at under-resourced churches (those without a youth leader) and help put on a youth program.

    Sample Time Commitment
    1 /wk (4-8 Sundays)

  • Coding Mentorship

    Help students finish their coding homework & teach the basics to computer science.

    Sample Time Commitment
    1 /wk (4-8 mtgs)

  • AYM Monthly

    Help put on an exciting AYM Monthly event to reach youth in our cities. Program varies.

    Sample Time Commitment
    1 /month (3 months)

Why Volunteer?

We are a Christian non-profit youth organization that is made up of college students (& alumni) who are passionate about seeing the youth thrive. We offer various mentorships, weekly hang-outs, tutoring, homework help, summer camps, resources for clubs, special events, and sports camps for youth in over 25 cities in the United States.

We have seen the increasing rates of teen anxiety and depression, the fear and confusion brought on by another deadly mass shooting, and the many numbers of students who do not have caring mentors to turn to in times of need. We want students to know they are not alone in the challenges they face and provide a listening ear. We desire to bless our community and the youth in our area!

As a HS or College student, you can sign up for one or more volunteer opportunities and become an AYM Mentor!

Number of hours will differ based on the opportunities that you choose (see above).

2025 | Become an AYM Volunteer!

Volunteer Criteria:

Must be a current & enrolled undergraduate student.

Available to mentor & care for the Youth!

Summer 2025
Volunteer Opportunities?

2025: Summer Camp Volunteer Opportunity

We had over 45 camps past Summer 2024!
[7 different types of camps in 12 states]


Do I have to be a Christian to be a volunteer?


What if I've never worked with youth before?

No worries. We will provide training and guidance on how to work with and mentor the youth. You won’t be alone. You’ll be working with a team of experienced mentors as well as other college students.

Is AYM a church?

No. AYM is not a church. In fact, many youth who participate in AYM do not attend any church. Other students who do go to church — attend many different churches. AYM does not endorse or promote any church or organization at any of our events — though we partner with many!

AYM is a Christian non-profit para-church youth organization (similar to Young Life, CruHS, YWAM).

Do I need a background check?

Once accepted, we will provide standard background checks for all of our youth volunteers as standard for working with minors.

Can I get college credits for volunteering?

No. But, we offer internships with positions & roles that you can include in your resume.

How do I find transportation?

No problem! Our program directors & AYM student leaders will coordinate rides from campus each week. You may also drive on your own or take public transit.