AYM Basketball (AB) hosts affordable and fun basketball league/club programs for students in the East Bay area.

AB is sponsored and run by volunteer coaches and mentors from Area Youth Ministry (AYM), a Christian non-profit organization.

AYM Basketball (AB)

What’s happening right now?

AB Clinics

The March 2025 clinics have started! You are welcome to drop in by signing up below!

Who: 7-10th Grade
Where: Nothing But Net
590 Whitney Street, San Leandro
When: Sundays 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30 | 4-5:30PM

πŸ‘‡ Stay connected to learn more πŸ‘‡


  • AB coaches are volunteers who love the game and want to help give back to the community.

  • The club and league costs cover the team shirt, venue, and equipment costs.

    The cost does not include tournament fees.

    The off-season costs cover the venue and equipment costs.

    We are able to provide affordable basketball program through our volunteer coaches!

    Financial aid available. Contact us at abl_bayarea@areayouth.org for more info.

    • Athletic Clothes

    • Shoes

    • Water Bottle

  • You can contact us at abl_bayarea@areayouth.org!

Who We Are

AYM Bay Area is a 501c3 Christian non-profit dedicated to equipping the next generation of leaders. We're a group of working professionals and college students who love Jesus and have a common vision to help youth thrive in life through mentorship. Find out more about us!