AYM Game Changers Volume 1
Here at AYM, we love deep talks and sharing about our faith, but we also love having fun! During every mentorship, event, or hangout, we try to make sure to include some fun component.
But let’s be real — as a youth leader, sometimes, incorporating fun requires a lot of planning. Everyone runs into those weeks when you’re trying to think of a game or activity and you just end up scratching your head.
As a resource for our mentors (and anyone involved in youth ministry), we’ve been compiling something called “AYM Game Changers”, a list of games and activities to try for your youth group or mentorships. Here’s a handful of games that we we’ve tried and loved:
Ever heard of the Mandela effect? Test your childhood memory with your students with this fun guessing game!
Great for large groups of students! Be the last one standing while playing a card game that constantly changes rules!
Nothing like a simple game of spikeball! Unlock your students' competitive side by having a rapid spikeball tournament!
Tips for running a tournament:
Set up: Build all 3 spikeball sets in a large space (preferably outdoors). Each spikeball set should be at least 8 feet apart.
Form teams of 2 or 3 (must be all teams of 2 or all teams of 3)
Place two teams by each spikeball set
Teams play a game to 11 points. The winning team gets a point!
After all teams are finished with their first game, the winning team moves clockwise to the next spikeball set.
Repeat until each team has played 3 games
The team with the most points wins!